Radian joins other 4 other companies from the New Space sector (BH Dynamics, Anzen Engineering, Madrid Space, and Ienai Space) to create the consortium MINSC: Madrid Innovation and New Space Cluster.
Among the objectives of the consortium promoting dissemination activities, research and knowledge generation around the “New Space”, as well as economic activities. The consortium seeks to facilitate collaborations with research centers and large companies, through the implementation of projects that benefit from the knowledge of the consortium members, including the ability to perform thermal, structural, reliability and radiation analysis of the space environment or the manufacture of key systems on satellites such as on-board computers, power systems, thermal control and propulsion.
The constitution of the consortium has taken place on December 10th 2020, in the Madrid International Lab the innovation space of the Madrid City Council, where several of the member companies are hosted. This association is a milestone in the sector at a national level and a response to the growing interest and demand for small satellites, and specifically nanosatellites (those weighing less than 10 kg), a growing segment within the space sector that represents an annual market of 14 billion dollars worldwide.
To demonstrate the potential of these synergies, the consortium hopes to launch the nanosatellite CIBELES (CubeSat for Innovative and Baseline ELEments in Space), named after the well-known fountain in the capital. This is a 5 kg platform that will be put into orbit at the beginning of 2022 to demonstrate some of the proprietary technologies developed by the consortium companies.