Radian participated in the European Space Thermal Engineering Workshop 2022, presenting the world’s first cloud-based thermal analysis software for space.
The European Space Thermal Engineering Workshop, organized by ESA Thermal Division, took place from the 18th to the 20th of October at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands).
The aim of this workshop, held yearly, is to provide a forum for the exchange of views, experiences, best practices and lessons learned from thermal engineers involved in space missions, to promote and facilitate contact between thermal engineers and thermal technologies and tool developers, to present recent developments on all aspects related to the thermal engineering domain, gather feedback, and present new approaches and methodologies.
Radian’s CEO, David Criado Pernía, delivered a talk presenting our thermal analysis software for space, the first cloud-based solution. Approaching the presentation from a technical perspective, he introduced our key features, some specifications and the planned roadmap for 2023.
Radian presents for the first time the software that we have been developing for over three years to the European thermal analysis community, with great feedback and strong interest from the audience.